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Parents Association of Loreto National School

The role of the Parents Association is to support the school in many ways and this includes helping with fundraising activities for identified school projects. The Parents Association also engage in many other supporting activities throughout the year as well as sponsoring school specific events for example Communion and Graduation receptions for the pupils and their families to sponsoring prizes and activities for pupils over the year.


The Parents Association has regular and ongoing communication with the school, with whom we have monthly meetings. The Parents Association provides parental views and input on school policies, share
ideas and supports agreed school activities.


All parents who have children enrolled in Scoil Bhríde, Loreto National School are invited to join us at our monthly Parents Association meetings.



Parents Association




  • Project work is a great way for pupils to self research topics of high interest to them

Killarney area smartphone agreement

We are delighted to be part of the Killarney area smartphone agreement. 

  1. 21 primary schools in the local area have agreed to be part of this wonderful initiative. 

  2. As part of this initiative,  all children will be educated on the dangers of over use  of smartphones and the dangers of engaging with people online. 

  3. All pupils who sign up agree not to purchase a smartphone until they finish primary school and not to set up a social media account until 13 years of age. 

  4. This agreement is not compulsory. 

  5. Currently 99% of our student population have signed up to this agreement. 

Smartphone agreement
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